====OverView==== \\ ===Specifications=== \\ {{ :en:equipment:iim3000:overview_en.png?nolink |}} ===OverView=== \\ * IIM-3000 is a equipment that detects all defects and measures the size of each defect on 300 mm Si wafers. Followings are the types of defects that IIM-3000 can detect ; Buried airpockets, Bumps and Through-holes. * The advanced defect detection and classification algorithms, enable users to detect easily all defects in various Si wafers(N. P-, P +, P ++) with high throughput. * A specialized controller for IIM-3000 provides the optimized control unit, which enables easy maintenance and quick setup. * By applying optimized software, IIM-3000 provides reliable inspection quality and result data for users also.